Friday, February 22, 2008

Big Bang Theory

I am so excited! Today I received an email letting me know that my hard work over the past few months has finally paid off. I have been working on the NCAA Membership Report for 2007. Today it went live and can be accessed through the NCAA portal site. (Look on the lower right side.) CLICK HERE

I spent countless hours on this project and worked with many others who helped make this come together. Thank you all!

The importance of this project is: This is the first time the NCAA has chosen to release the Membership Report in digital form, rather than print. This is a big step that shows the importance of the digital medium and that it is no longer "the future," but is the present standard. Watch the Myles Brand video and see what he has to say about this change.

I am so proud to be a part of this and I can't wait to see my future projects in cyberspace. The future is now.

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